
  1. That the League be known as the BATH LICENSED VICTUALLERS SKITTLES LEAGUE.
  2. That the committee shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Registrar, Hon. Secretary and 4 members.
  3. That each team pay an inclusive fee of £60 plus £2 per player for entry to Pairs and Singles.
  4. The game to consist of eight players on each side and to be played until one side has won 5 legs. All games to commence no later than 8pm and may be played to a finish. Any team arriving late on the alley shall forfeit one leg for the first 10 minutes’ lateness, and a further leg for the next 10 minutes’ lateness and so on. Home team to “show” first in any case. Licensees to to use their own discretion as regards closing hours when the result of the game will stand. Two points to be awarded to winning team, one point for each leg won and one point for most pins. Should both teams tie on pins a point will be awarded to the winning team. Team scoring most points during the season in any section will be deemed the winners. Should two or more teams tie on points at the end of the season, placings will be determined by leg difference or if this is the same by teams winning most matches, if this is same by teams winning most away matches.
  5. At the end of the season the top three teams in Division 2 will be promoted to Division 1 and the bottom three teams in Division 1 will be relegated to Divisions 2. Any new entrants will play in Division 2. The maximum number of teams in each Division shall be 16.
  6. New players may be registered on night of match before commencement of game. Any team playing an ineligible player will be fined £1 and will forfeit all points gained in the game. Their opponents will be awarded maximum points.
  7. That the winning team report all matches, giving names and scores and signed by the opposing Captain to be received by the Registrar by 1.30pm the Friday following the match, otherwise a fine of £2 will be imposed and that fine be paid within one month of fine being imposed by the League.
  8. No game in any competition to be postponed unless due to extreme weather or illness. Any league game postponed Registrar to be informed otherwise game will be declared void. Rearranged games to be played within 21 days of the original fixture. All games to be played no later than one week from the end of season. League tables will be compiled from results received after one week of end of season.
  9. Home team to supply putter-up who may be a registered player. Putter-up fees to be paid for by the home team except in cup games when fees to be shared.
  10. In the event of a team being a player or players short at the commencement of the game the first leg only to be left open, i.e. after each side has thrown once, the team shall play as they stand. The league committee to consider conduct of any team or player during the season, either by expulsion, fine or replay.
  11. That the pins are properly marked – front pin with a white ring round the top only, two front quarters with a white band around the centre, and the centre ping with a red ring around the top only.
  12. In the event of a tie the team “showing” wins the leg.
  13. That any protest from a player or team must be accompanied by a sum of £2. Both protest and money must be sent to the Secretary within 48 hours of the match and in the event of the protest being considered frivolous, fee to be forfeited. Any fines other than late card fines, inflicted upon clubs during the season, must be paid within one month of the Annual General Meeting. Otherwise the defaulting club will not be eligible for election to the League for the ensuring season.
  14. A white line to be marked in each alley, a minimum of 7 feet from the heel board, and any player touching or going over same with the feet, or touching walls or floors or parts of the alley OVER the white line whilst in the act of delivering balls, the pins knocked down will NOT be counted and will not be re-set.
  15. Any ball touching the cushes of the alley after delivery and before striking and pins to be declared a “No-Ball”, and pins knocked down will NOT be re-set.
  16. That the two captains are to act as referees, but during their absence from the alley they shall nominate an eligible player for that period.
  17. All semi-finals and finals of all competitions to be played wherever possible at league headquarters or on suitable alleys of the league. All referees as appointed for semi-finals and finals will be solely in charge of games. The skittle balls and pins to be used in all semi-finals and finals will be the ones which are the property of the league.
  18. In the “Pairs” Competitions all rounds prior to the final will be played until one pair have won 7 legs. In the final the game will be played until one pair has won 9 legs. Tied legs as rule 12.
  19. The individual competition will be under Nomination rules and will prior to the final consist of 9 games of 3 balls, each showing alternately. The final will consist of 11 games of 3 balls each. The player scoring most pins will be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie on pins an additional 3 balls each will be thrown until a decision is reached.
  20. In the Pairs and Individual Competitions, the player drawn to play at home will submit at least two dates (not necessarily in the same week) to their opponents, one of which must be accepted within 72 hours of receipt. At least 7 clear days notice of the dates submitted from the time of receipt shall be given. In these competitions the WINNERS to notify the Registrar of the result. If no results received, both sides will forfeit the game. Pairs and individual games should commence no later that 7.15pm on match nights. Player arriving late on alley shall forfeit leg(s) as per rules 4. Unless agreed by players no games shall be played on Saturdays of Sundays. “Home” player(s) may only play on the alley of the team for which they are registered. When a player is not available during the pairs competitions (due to illness etc) then any other player given consent by the Registrar to play (not applicable at Semi-finals and final stages) shall continue playing in the competition until defeated. Players unable to attend semi-finals and final on the set dates will be eliminated and referees/remaining competitors will decide playing format.
  21. In cup competitions where reserved dates are not provided for in the fixtures, the home team must send at least two dates to their opponents (not necessarily in the same week) one of which must be accepted and the opponents must have at least seven clear days notice of the dates submitted from the time of receipt of same. Acceptance should be made within 72 hours. Any team not receiving dates or replies must inform registrar in writing, otherwise both sides forfeit the game. When reserved dates are provided and the teams sharing alley are both drawn at home, first team drawn will play on reserved dates at home, the other team must arrange alternative dates within 14 days on any alley used in the league of forfeit the game. Unless agreed by both teams no games shall be played on Saturdays and Sundays.
  22. All competitions of the League shall be played in accordance with the League Rules. Gambling will be strictly prohibited.
  23. All transfers must be approved by the Committee, but a player so transferred and having played in a cup competition will not be allowed to play for his new club in the same competition.
  24. All cup winners should return their cups to H.Q. Up to, and including A.G.M. of current season of a fine of £10.00 will be imposed.
  25. New teams applying for admission to the League shall be accepted in date order.
  26. In the event of a team failing to fulfill fixture on match night and not having given reasonable notice to opposing team captain, they are obliged to pay putter-up fees and any other expenses incurred.
  27. All additions and/or amendments to Rules should be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than seven days prior to the A.G.M. Voting at the A.G.M. shall be by the show of hands and all members attending or eligible teams may vote.
  28. Any team falling to send a representative to the A.G.M. will be fined £2, unless an apology for absence is received in writing to the League Secretary prior to the Meeting. Fine to be paid prior to commencement of the next season.
  29. That any matters not provided for in the foregoing rules will be referred to the League Committee, whose decision in such cases will be final.
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